Monday, October 18, 2010

Happy Birthday Nathan!!

He lives with a bunch of weirdos!
But they are weirdos that love him!
I hope he gets what he wished for because he deserves it. All he's done is take care of me today and clean up our house to get ready for my mom to come to town. He should have gotten to sit back and do nothing!

I love you so much! I know this wasn't a very fun day for you but I promise we will make it up to you!! Thank you for being so wonderful and kind and patient and fun! You are amazing!!


Traci said...

Happy Birthday to Nathan!!! Your family is so cute!! & I pray that you start feeling better soon :( so sorry!

Karen said...

Our husbands have the same birthday! Awesome! Happy Birthday Nathan!

Heather O'Brien said...

Happy Birthday Nathan! I'm sorry things weren't great timing. You are a good husband. Hope you recover fast Brittanie.