I hear that it's fall in other places - but not in San Antonio! I walked outside to take Anika to school this morning and it was muggy and hot! There was a day a couple weeks ago when it actually got chilly. I opened all my windows, lit my harvest candles and then sat on the couch and closed my eyes and pretended I was in my Maplewood house. If I were to look out that window I would see trees that look like this:
Our favorite parks would look like this:
I admit it - I'm homesick for Connecticut. I've missed the berry picking, apple picking, the pumpkin patch and the leaves changing. I'm sad that I've already lost touch with friends that I thought I would always stay in contact with. I need to be better. There are a lot of positive things about being in Texas though! We are having gobs of fun and we've made some wonderful new friends! We love being in a bigger home (even though we miss the coziness of our Maplewood home and our neighbors). We love how there are tons of Targets, Walmarts, Costcos, Sam's Clubs, Hobby Lobbys, and Sonic burgers all over the place! We love some of the NEW places that we've found - Charming Charlies is a jewelry paradise! Taco Cabana? So tasty. We love that there is a DOLLAR THEATER!! I can't help but smile every time I drive by the HUGE pair of cowboy boots off of the I-10 (or is the 35?). It's fabulous living so close to Brooke and Scott and their boys! It's so nice to be within driving distance of AZ and ID! I am loving my calling at church! AND I have a feeling I'm going to be pretty grateful to be here come January and February! The winters in the northeast start to get really old right around then. =)
Anyway, what have we been up to?! Let me catch you up!
Nathan and I have spent every free minute working on our table! We are almost done and I think it's beautiful! It's our $40 tag sale table that we got in CT and we decided to refinish it. It's a project I was going to start before me moved but I am so glad I didn't! It's been a lot of work! I'll take a picture soon and post it!
Nathan is loving his pedo program! His schedule is SO fabulous. He leaves around 7:30 and is home by 5 or 5:30. He is on call once every 8 weeks. I can't complain AT ALL! He caught a nasty flu bug a little over a week ago. His mom and my mom think it was the swine flu. Cool, huh?! The rest of us have remained flu free and hopefully it stays that way! We did find out that Tamiflu is super pricey. It was worth it - he recovered so much faster than he would have without it!
Anika is loving Kindergarten! For awhile she would make "books" and then have us write down what she told us. But for the past week she has been attempting to write her own sentences. They are darling! Her teacher said that she is the only one in her class that is sounding out books and writing sentences! I was so shocked! I guess most of her classmates are still learning their letters and the sounds. She is having some temper problems. I swear I have a mini teenager in the house! I'll ask her to do something several times and finally I'll have to get after her for not listening and she LOSES it. She stomps around and kicks things and screams things like "I DON'T CARE ABOUT YOU! I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU SAY!! I'M NOT GOING TO LIVE IN THIS HOUSE ANYMORE!" and then she makes crazy threats. I don't know what to do with her. I think the best way to handle it is to just give her extra love. More positive reinforcement. At least that's what I've been feeling as I've prayed about it. Luckily, her fits of temper don't last too long. Wish me luck. She is still so much fun and a blast to talk to! She always has tons of stories to tell and she talks a million miles an hour! A couple weeks ago she got bit on the ear and it really SWELLED! They even sent her home from school because of it. Poor little thing! Check it out:
My concern with Keslie is a little different. She's gone from being the outgoing child to the introvert. She is such a little doll at home but when we go places or get together with friends she will hardly smile or play. I hope it's just a phase she's going through! I want everyone to be able to enjoy the fun that is Keslie! Hilda and Saul sent the kids a package with their favorite things ever inside. Stuffed animals!! Keslie has had her piggy with her every second since she got it! She was about to do his hair(ears) in this picture. I should have taken a picture 5 minutes later because every clippy we own was attached to his ears!
Brenan just had his 9 month check up at 11 months. =) I was a little late what with the move and all. He weighs 23 pounds! The doctor said that he is the length of a normal 18 month old - 31 3/4 inches. He's long! The doctor checked his ears and found 2 MASSIVE ear infections! Who knew?! He's been his normal, mischevious self - sleeping great, no fever, not anymore grumpy than usual. I felt horrible! She said that she normally doesn't treat ear infections but that these ones are bad enough that she would. I guess I'll have to keep an eye on him - he obviously has a high threshhold for pain! Have you ever had an ear infection? I had one a couple years ago and the pain was IMMENSE!! Anyway - this kid is into everything. He's climbing under and over chairs, up the stairs and then trying to come back down (which is why I don't want him climbing them!), he throws everything, he's discovered how to unroll the toilet paper, he empties the dishwasher as I load, he shakes the book shelf (I think he has a death wish!), he screams when he wants food, he charges at things like a bull, and for the life of me I can't get him to hold still during a diaper change! He is all boy! And we love every inch of him. He is snuggly and smiley and a wonderful sleeper and he still has the best laugh ever!
Here he is - on his way up the stairs. He wasn't quite fast enough! I caught him at the bottom! He still felt pretty proud.
I am being overwhelmed with projects! I love this time of year and the motivation that comes along with it! I've got Christmas projects galore, goals to accomplish, birthdays to plan, money to make (has anyone ever donated plasma? I'm seriously contemplating it!), parties to plan, and more. I love being busy though. I love it!
We thoroughly enjoyed General Conference this past weekend! There were so many wonderful, uplifting messages! My three favorites were:
*Elder Bednar's talk - It is titled 'More Diligent and Concerned at Home'. I loved what he said about being consistent in our homes and expressing love.
* Elder Holland's talk titled 'Safety for the Soul' - his testimony of the Book of Mormon was SO powerful! The entire talk is wonderful but the second half is AMAZING.
*And I loved President Monson's closing remarks in the Sunday afternoon session. He talked about service and it really hit home for me.
To read/listen to/watch these (and other) talks click here!! To learn more about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and what we believe, go here.
Have a great day!!
I'm with you--more than anything, I miss the fall. I've been so excited these past few days because it's been so nice and chilly. Your pictures made me want to move to Connecticut!
When my oldest started school she had a few meltdowns. I think it's just that adjustment to something new. Lots of mommy love is the best medicine! :)
I'M GLAD YOU MOVED HERE!!! I've been having the same thoughts these days. In a few months we'll be glad we're not freezin our behinds off :). Your kiddos are darling! Hallie is usually the same way as Kesley! Maybe that's why she talks about her non stop!
it's great to hear about your families updates! a tip about the toilet paper roll, if you flip the roll so that the toilet paper unravels facing the wall, he can't unroll the toilet paper. that is something i learned with one of my kids. i was so glad someone told me that. but you're smart so maybe you've already figured that out.
it's cooled down a bit here in QC but it is still toasty. i am sorry to hear about anikas' temper tantrums...i am in the same boat with you with my brookie. Best luck there. p.s. if there is anything that really works for her that you wouldn't mind sharing let me know.
am SOOO sorry! I have been wanting to call every day and it just doesn't happen. I'm lame. I think about you all the time, and we miss you guys. I love hearing how you are doing, but sadly it's just not the same as you being here. :)
this is the time of year I miss CT the most too. i love your maplewood house pictures! starting school is so hard for my kids too, i think they just get so worn out and they try so hard to be good all day at school and know they can melt down and feel safe at home.
Love the song! Sounds like despite a few bumps here and there things are looking up! Thanks for your perspective on things! Always makes me feel better and want to do/be better! You rock! Keep it up!
I had a sad moment today infact I have had sad moments almost everyday since september 1st... I miss Connecticut! Can you believe it! I miss fall there sooooooo much. The pumpkin patches here are in the casinos... lame... I miss youBritt! I am with you on this no fall thing. It is still summer here! Oh well I think once it starts ice storming in CT we will be somewhat happy that we are enjoying some 60 degree weather!
Thanks for the novel, Britt :-)! It's so fun to read about your sweet family. This parenting stuff has its challenges...but it's wonderful!
Love you!
I am so glad that it is finally cooling down here. I love the fall pictures you posted. I miss seeing leaves change color. I have donated plasma before when I was in college and it isn't too bad. It was nice to have some extra money.
I missed this post before and so I never commented. You'll probably not see this, but I'll comment anyway. We miss your family so much! Your name will often come up in family/friend conversations. It sounds like you're busy and having fun. Of course the fall leaves were/are beautiful, but we'll be the jealous ones come January!
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