We did our pumpkin carving last night! It was so fun this year because Anika was actually willing to get her hands dirty! She did a great job of cleaning out Nathan's pumpkin. He always does fancy carvings. I'm pretty boring and just stick to the triangles. =) Keslie was my partner but she wasn't very interested so I had to carry the work load. We had fun and Nathan made his traditional baked pumpkin seeds. Anika was so cute and jabbered on and on. At one point she said "Thank you Daddy! That was very thoughtful of you." I got a kick out of that!
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On Saturday I was walking through the girls room and stepped on something sharp! It stayed stuck in my foot as I lifted it to see what it was. Nope - not a nail or a pin. It was a DEMON plastic dinosaur similar to the one pictured. It's TAIL stuck all the way into my foot and I had a limp for a good two days! I just wanted to post about it because it hurt. =)
Things about Keslie - at her 2 year check up she was low in iron. She has to take an iron supplement for the next few months to see if it helps. It's a huge pain because I have to give it to her an hour before she eats OR 2 hours after. I hope it helps! She gives the BEST hugs EVER! She holds on tight and wraps her entire arm and hand tight around the neck. It's so sweet. I especially love it when she is patting my shoulder with her other hand. She knows a lot of her colors and shapes. The way she says triangle is BEYOND cute. Her favorite color seems to be orange and when she is feeling lazy she calls everything lellow. She is actually starting to drink milk! The only downside is that she thinks she needs a cookie to "dip in it". She also likes to hold her drinks in her mouth and then slowly let it leak out. I'm not a big fan of that trick!
Anika has said a few things lately that I actually remember so I thought I would share!
The other day Nathan told me that he was planning on studying all night and I was being dramatic and said "Oh Anika! My heart is broken because Daddy is going to study!!" And she said "My heart is not broken!! I have more hearts in my heart for you. But there is not blood in it yet." Hahaha! We had a good chuckle about that! She is wanting to help more and more with getting dinner ready. I need to be more willing to let her help. Sometimes it's just easier to do it myself. She wants to help with everything - dishes, preparation, table setting. It's so cute! The other day she wanted to spread the peanut butter and jelly for me. She is obsessed with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches! She would eat them for breakfast, lunch and dinner!
I got to experience Nathan's dental skills first hand last week when he cleaned my teeth! He does a great job! I don't think he was very pleased with my dental hygiene. Apparently, I brush too hard and too fast. He was asked to be the new President of the Pediatric Dentistry club at school! Pretty cool!
Anyway - I hope that everyone's week is off to a fabulous start! I'll be posting more as the weeks goes on - what with Halloween and all!!
So fun that you guys carved pumpkins! That was in the plan of our last big Halloween FHE for tonight, but I didn't make it to the store for the pumpkins and so we played a crazy game of CandyLand instead and had a blast! I really don't think Candy Land has ever been that fun. I love Monday! Besides Friday and Sunday it's my favorite day of the week because you get a fresh start to cleaning and everything else. I can't believe that you are still alive at 59 degrees. For heaven sake when I think about that I feel like I need to take a hot bath! I just think that your girls are the cutest things and I can't wait to be with them for Christmas! I realize that you have tons of family, but I am penciling us into your calendar whenever you happen to have the smallest little slice of an opening. You've been warned. Okay, I should go. I have a kitchen to clean and laundry to fold, but instead I pulled myself away from a riveting Antique's Roadshow only to come and post a 10 page essay on your blog. I love you lots! Thanks for the cheery little post!
Oh, and sorry about your foot. I have just the very same kind of dinosaurs at our house, so I best be on the lookout! They can be tricky little fellows!
All the pumpkins are darling, but I loved the mummy. We missed you tonight at our annual pumpkin carving contest at Aunt Shaunny's. That uncle J can carve a mean pumpkin! His was a vampire getting ready to take a bite out of a lady's neck, quite impressive. We need Nathan here to give him some competition.
Your girlies are too cute. I love the things Anika says and Keslies curly hair....Yay for curls!
I love your pumpkin pictures. Your girls are darling. I too love the mummy pumpkin - serious dedication there. And I am DYING that you haven't turned the heat on. The contest between you and Suzanne is cracking me up. Do you just have to make it until the 1st? Good luck with that!
What cute girls! Sorry about the dino in the foot-hate it when that happens!
I guess I shouldn't curse our weather. It was 92 yesterday. I have been wanting it to get cooler. Now.....maybe not!
Looks like a fun pumpkin carving party! That's crazy that you got a dinosaur stuck in your foot!!
So did Nathan come up with that mummy design all by himself because that is really cool. Glad you guys had fun.
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