I've been staying busy with the girls (of course!) and my latest project (I'll let you all in on that one soon enough) and hanging out with Nathan (3rd year is the best!!) and reading. Both girls are doing great! Anika may have escaped the horrid hand, foot, and mouth disease! I would never wish that on anyone. Ever.
This past weekend I cut Nathan's hair (which was totally uneventful!! Yay!) and Anika's hair! I think I cut Anika's a little shorter than I had planned but I think it's cute and she's THRILLED! She's been asking for a haircut for awhile now. Although - what she really wanted was a "keslie" haircut. She loves Keslie's curls. Too bad her curls have semi-disappeared along with summer!!
Today we went to a fun little farm place for playgroup and Anika and Keslie LOVED the kitten that was running around! Poor little cat - it was pretty much mobbed by the hoards of toddlers trying to snuggle it! I wish I could get them a kitten! I loved having cats growing up.
So - adios to my drool inducing friend. I do love pacifiers. It baffles me when parents don't absolutely FORCE their children to take them. Haha!! I guess we are all different!
Here she is - I know, always video just a LITTLE too long. Sorry! AND - the quality isn't very good. I'm not sure why.
I HAVE to show you my new favorite thing I got!! We've had a crack in our crockpot for awhile but it still worked so we just held out - finally a couple weeks ago it started to leak so we knew it was time for a new one!! I am IN LOVE with my new kitchen best friend! Here is a picture of said crockpot:
Isn't she a beauty?? And RED to boot!! I know - you are probably thinking that it's a little much for our family but for our wedding we got this:
So - I've been spoiled and there was just NO way I was switching to tiny. Anyway - my new one was $10 off. And it's red. Is there any question whether or not I should have gotten it?!!
So - Samuel and Isaac said hello on their blog to the family and have been awaiting a response from the girls. This is the most normal I could get them to be. They turn into big weirdos when I try to video them. =)
Happy Wednesday night!!!
I enjoyed the videos of your girls, they are so funny and adorable! Nice crockpot too. I like the color.
Ok, your two girlies are absolutely adorable. Congrats on getting rid of the pacifier! I agree, all kids should have one...unluckily for me, NEITHER of my girls EVER took one. They both hated them! Lovely crock pot! It is absolutely beautiful. I could stare at it for hours. :)
Umm can I say so excited to come out and hang out for a bit. Kes looks so big noe especially in the picture with the kitten. Is that where we went last year with the ginormous pigs? those things would feed and army. I love those girlies and you and Nathan...and your crockpot very much.
Oooh, the amazing disappearing bink! Yeah, that was something we weren't sure how to approach. But it turned out that cold turkey was the best way...
We miss you guys so much! It is fun to see videos of them - I can't believe how big they are getting! Can't wait until Christmas - it is coming fast! We love you!
I loved the videos! Those are precious memories. I totally agree with you about the whole pacifier issue. Kaitlyn LOVES hers! =)
Cam and I got that crockpot for our wedding and we absolutely love it! Have fun with it! And once again, your girls are darling!I want to hear what you have been working on!
That is a big step to get rid of the pacifier! I am not looking forward to that stage with Riley!
Hey Guys! Looks like you've been busy! The girls are as cute as ever and don't birthdays get less exciting as you get older?! Glad to hear everything is good. Seth wants to do a "just us" trip next summer when we can leave both kids. He mentioned the east coast so beware!!!! We may be coming!
Hey! Happy Very Belated Birthday. Looks like you had a fun day. Congrats on the binky. I'm so with you --- I love that my kids have taken them, makes life for mom so much easier. But taking them away is sure a pain (we just did Makenna this summer). Oooh... and I love your red crockpot.
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