Saturday, September 29, 2007

Just a Few Things...


Oh. My. Gosh. Look what Nathan found under the hood while cleaning out the car yesterday!! I've been pretty pleased with the bug situation out here (aside from that MONSTER spider by our front door - remember that Sumer?!). Well - I guess I was too quick to write that. I don't like the wasps and bees either. BUT - there aren't any roaches and I seriously don't like those and I haven't seen many other beetles either - until yesterday. YIKES! At least it was dead! I wouldn't want those pincers latching onto any part of my body!

Second - once again I hit the jackpot this morning at a tag sale! I got the circus little people set (the one with the touchy feely animals) in pristine condition for $1!! AND this lamp - 25 cents!!
Isn't it cute??

This is a picture from the baby shower today. It was for my friend Rachel. She is such a champion and I love her. She's such a great cheerleader and is always so encouraging when I have ideas or anything else. I'm excited to meet her little boy!!

Adrienne (dental student with Nathan), Me (dental wife) , Rachel (dental wife), Hillary (dental wife), Nicole (dental classmate)

AND lastly:
This is a picture of the best husband in the world. Thanks for all your help this weekend (and always) Nath!! Love you!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Separation Anxiety

Keslie has it bad!! This being apart from Anika thing in the mornings is really hard on her. She misses her friend. It's only been a little over a week so I know it will get better but right now I have a HUGE grump on my hands from the minute we drop Anika off. She says "come to - come to!" over and over and today she tried to sneak into class with Anika!! Poor little thing! It's hard when the big sister goes off to school! I remember when I was little and Kelyn hadn't started school yet. I got her so excited by telling her I was going to bring her to school with me. I really thought it was possible! Poor Kelyn when mom nixed that one! I imagine these younger siblings feel kinda lonely when their big sister moves on in the world. But it is SOOO cute to see her face light up and hear her joyous exclamation of EEEKA!!! when Anika comes running out of her classroom! AND then they play SO well together when we get home. It's like they are long lost friends. I love it!!

Keslie set up a bunch of their stuffed animals like this and I walked in to see her sitting next to them. It was so darn cute that I had to get a snapshot! I know, it's a little fuzzy. Oh well!

Anika is doing GREAT in preschool! She is so cute. I love asking her about her day when we pick her up. She says the funniest things! AND - I need to get this down before I forget and she stops saying it - she says REGOT for forgot and it is SOOOOO cute!

Well - I'm off to pick up my hubby from school!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

1st Day of Preschool!!

Finally!! =) We've been waiting pretty much forever. =) Seriously - what were they thinking having the orientation back in April?? She's been SO excited ever since. She did fabulous today! She didn't even look back to wave or say good-bye to me when I dropped her off. She was too busy telling her teacher about her My Little Pony backpack. =) Yesterday we had a little open house so she was able to get acquainted with her teachers and see her classroom. When I picked her up she said "I had such a fun time today mommy!" This is going to be so great for her!! There are some really cute little girls in her class which I'm really excited about. She doesn't have many little girlfriends. I dearly love all of her little boy buddies though. =) We stopped at a little bakery around the corner and picked out some cookies and donuts for the FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL SPECIAL TREAT. =) I had BIG plans! I was going to start a cake tradition but I think I'll start next year because I really dropped the ball. Yesterday was such a crazy day!!

Anyway - here are some (okay A LOT!) of pictures of Anika before and after school. I realize that they are all pretty much the same but INDULGE me because she is SO cute and it's her first day of school and it's my first time EVER having a kid have a first day of school!

She is ALSO at a fun age! Really - is there any age that isn't fun?? Of course - I could live without the whining but her cuteness makes up for it in every way!! She is full of nice words and I love yous, Not wanting to take naps at all (Ope -right on cue - she just walked in and she's SO supposed to be asleep!!), when she dances she's been trying to be really ballerinaish with the twirls and the leg kicks, she gets really carsick, and she's a very good big sister.

We found out over the weekend that she is a little bit prejudice (which I think all kids are) but I was HUMILIATED. Let's just say that she made a few racially WRONG comments and I about DIED. We've had some lessons and talked about it a lot since so hopefully we nipped that one in the bud. =)

Well - I'm sure I'll have more stuff soon! See ya!

My Little Bugnut

If you are a member of my family then you know that my dad comes up with the most RANDOM terms of endearment! Well - this morning Kes was crying about something and I said "Come here my little bugnut..."!! I THINK that my dad might be rubbing off on me (which I think is a good thing because my dad is the coolest) but Bugnut???. Bugnut is definitely one of his trademarks. Along with Pigdog, Brishtokoff, and adding his middle name (Wayne) to all of our names. =)

This morning I found Keslie on the table eating her leftovers. I had to take a picture because I thought it was pretty cute until I came back in a couple minutes later and she was dumping her bowl of wet, soggy rice krispies back into the box!!! Good grief!!

This is a picture of Kes with her chocolate beard. We had graham crackers with frosting the other night and she just wanted the frosting!!

She is at such a fun age! She's singing and talking so much! She's also following in Anika's footsteps and LOVES babies. She changes their diapers and puts them to bed and lugs them around with her everywhere! She's doing great without her pacifier but talks about it ALL them time! I HAVE to get her saying "family" on video because it's pretty much the cutest thing ever. =) She's such a little doll.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

His Cheeseburger

Because I wish I could have a cheeseburger for dinner. =)

I guess I should post something...

It's been a week since my last post - but darn it - sometimes it's hard to get into the blogging mode! I can't remember anything we've been up to so I have a feeling that this will be quite the jumbled up post - I'm just going to write what comes to my brain. =)

I've been staying busy with the girls (of course!) and my latest project (I'll let you all in on that one soon enough) and hanging out with Nathan (3rd year is the best!!) and reading. Both girls are doing great! Anika may have escaped the horrid hand, foot, and mouth disease! I would never wish that on anyone. Ever.

This past weekend I cut Nathan's hair (which was totally uneventful!! Yay!) and Anika's hair! I think I cut Anika's a little shorter than I had planned but I think it's cute and she's THRILLED! She's been asking for a haircut for awhile now. Although - what she really wanted was a "keslie" haircut. She loves Keslie's curls. Too bad her curls have semi-disappeared along with summer!!

Today we went to a fun little farm place for playgroup and Anika and Keslie LOVED the kitten that was running around! Poor little cat - it was pretty much mobbed by the hoards of toddlers trying to snuggle it! I wish I could get them a kitten! I loved having cats growing up.

GOOD NEWS - we finally tackled the daunting task of getting rid of the pacifier!! It's gone pretty well! She asks for it all the time. "Boppy?" "Bu-bye?" "Big?" In our language - Where's my boppy?? It went bu-bye? Cause I'm a big girl??" We told her that they had to go bu-bye to live with their families. Last night I took Anika with me on a couple errands and Nathan stayed home with Kes. I guess she wanted to color with markers - which is usually off-limits for her because it always ends up all over her clothes - even if I put an apron on!! Anyway - when he told her she couldn't because she was still too little she pulled the whole - BOPPY? BIG?? thing. And he couldn't resist. At least he took off her shirt!

So - adios to my drool inducing friend. I do love pacifiers. It baffles me when parents don't absolutely FORCE their children to take them. Haha!! I guess we are all different!

Here she is - I know, always video just a LITTLE too long. Sorry! AND - the quality isn't very good. I'm not sure why.

I HAVE to show you my new favorite thing I got!! We've had a crack in our crockpot for awhile but it still worked so we just held out - finally a couple weeks ago it started to leak so we knew it was time for a new one!! I am IN LOVE with my new kitchen best friend! Here is a picture of said crockpot:

Isn't she a beauty?? And RED to boot!! I know - you are probably thinking that it's a little much for our family but for our wedding we got this:

So - I've been spoiled and there was just NO way I was switching to tiny. Anyway - my new one was $10 off. And it's red. Is there any question whether or not I should have gotten it?!!

So - Samuel and Isaac said hello on their blog to the family and have been awaiting a response from the girls. This is the most normal I could get them to be. They turn into big weirdos when I try to video them. =)

Happy Wednesday night!!!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Good-bye 25!

I promise - I didn't put Nathan up to that cute birthday post! He's so sneaky and it was so unexpected that when I saw it I burst into tears. I DO NOT know what my deal was yesterday! Suzanne says that it's because I'm getting older and it will just get worse! Oh no! I got teary eyed about everything yesterday! I am just so grateful for all the wonderful people in my life! Thank you for all the sweet phone calls, comments and the fun messages I got on my answering machine! I'm sorry that I missed some of your calls! While I quite enjoyed all of the singing I have to say that my dad takes the cake! I wish I had a way to post it because his singing was hilariously awesome!! Nathan recorded it onto his little recorder thing "for posterity". =)

My friend Suzanne totally made my day by bringing me the most delicious lunch and then watching the girls last night while Nathan and I went to see a movie. I finally saw Becoming Jane and I thought it was LAME. Oh well! It was fun to go out with my hubby! The girls helped me make my birthday cake and it was really tasty! We couldn't find any birthday candles so Nathan got creative. =) Haha! What a guy! Here are a couple pictures of the candle blowing and afterwards. =)

I am feeling a little meloncholy that I am now OLDER than 25. I feel like time is just flying by! Well - here's to staying young!!

I'd also like to give a great BIG HAPPY BIRTHDAY shout out to Papa!! I've been lucky to get to share birthdays with him my whole life! Good thing we both love the same kind of cake and ice cream! CHOCOLATE and Carrot!! =)

These past couple months have been jam packed with the birthdays of some of my favorite people! I hope you all had wonderful days!!

Labor Day Weekend

Well - if you look at the picture of Keslie before we left to go camping that will give you a little clue as to how our camping trip went. =) She had a fever on Friday and was the biggest bear EVER so I was thinking EAR INFECTION for sure. The doctor said nope - just a virus. I wish that she'd been a little bit more comprehensive and told me what TYPE of virus because if I'd have known I would NOT have taken her camping and exposed my dear, innocent friends to it AND we would have saved tons of money! I thought she was getting her 2 year molars so we loaded up and headed out. Friday night was MISERABLE!! Keslie could not be comforted so Nathan took her to the car and then I couldn't sleep knowing that she was in the car screaming so I went and traded with him. It was a long night! The next morning we went to Storyland and that was tons of fun! Keslie seemed in good spirits so we thought things were taking a turn for the better! We went back to the campsite for lunch and that is when we saw the source of her discomfort. Poor baby!! She had about 5 canker sores on the inside of her lower lip and then white patchy sores all over her tongue and she was in some serious pain! We called the on call Dr. and she said it was the coxsackie virus (hand, foot, and mouth disease). It sounds right to me except everything I've read says that the blisters in the mouth are red and Keslie's were most definitely white. She had the fever, the abdominal pain, loss of appetite and everything else though. OH - except she didn't get any sores on her hands and feet. I don't know - maybe it was something else. ??? I'm just pretty annoyed that I took her to the Dr. and she didn't even check her mouth!! Apparently this is going around out here. SO - we headed home on Saturday. We were pretty bummed - we'd been looking forward to this camping trip for a long time. There were SO many fun things we wanted to do! Oh well! We'll go again next summer! =) Thanks to the Liddles, Thompsons, and Hamiltons for going up with us! It was fun while it lasted!

Kes is doing a ton better and I'm just waiting to see if Anika is going to catch it! I just hope she gets it over with before pre-school starts! =)

Here are the few pictures we did take! AND I already feel bad for taking Keslie around and letting her TOUCH things so please, no guilt trips!! =)

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Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Happy 26th Birthday, Brittanie!!

Hello people—
Nathan here. I just wanted to take a moment to wish a happy birthday to my sweetheart (and pretty much the best person on the entire earth). She is the most amazing wife, mother, and friend. I’m so grateful for the day she was born. In just six short years of knowing her, she has made my life so much more than it would have ever been without her. Happy 26th and may there be many, many more to come! Love ya, Britt!