Thursday, August 01, 2013

June Randoms

There weren't too many pictures from June! We did a lot of playing in the pools and baking and relaxing. We canned a whole bunch of food! That was fun! 

Anika really wanted to make pretzels so we took on that baking project one day while Keslie was playing at a friend's house. =) 

Anika is my nature loving, bug loving, animal loving child. She caught this cute lizard. I told her that she better not drop it in the house and to take it back outside. Yeah. She dropped it. We couldn't find it anywhere so I just gave up. Then I went walking into the living room and there it was staring at me from the couch! Haha! Anika managed to catch it again. I think we will keep lizards outside from now on! =) 

Last Days of School!

Happy day!! We were all so excited for Summer to start! I went to the girl's end of the year parties. Here are a couple from Keslie's party. 

Kes with her 1st grade teacher - Miss Simpson and Anika with her 3rd grade teacher - Mrs. Nicholson.

Getting off the bus! They were so excited! 

Here was their ghetto finish line. I used what I had. Haha! 

We Love the Durkovich Family!

They up and moved to Florida last summer so we were so excited when they passed through to and from Utah and stayed with us. We love them. =)

May 2013

We love May because it means we will get to have our Cinco De Mayo fiesta! Mexican food is my favorite and the kids get SO excited about the pinata! 

Here are some of the kiddos making their candy bags:

For some reason all of my pinata pictures turned out blurry! Here is Brenan to prove we did it though! 

Cute kids! 

Then there is Mother's Day to look forward to. =) Nathan and the kids took great care of me. Here I am with my little lovies. 

After church they gave me the spa treatment. Foot massage, pedicure, hair brushing. Awesome. =) 

The end of school countdown begins and they start bringing cute stuff home from school. I really like this one of Kes:

Sawyer ripped her nail off and it looked like a zombie finger for a few days. Yuck! I can't believe it didn't bother her more. She didn't even cry about it! 

We set up the slip n' slide for the first time!

My pretty flowers in the front yard were in full bloom! Love them. 

We also bought a new hard pool - it seems like each year we buy a new one. It's amazing the kind of fun they can have in this little thing. I wish there was a mommy sized one!